Sunday, April 30, 2006
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
It was an honour to share Spring with you
through haiku...thank you.
I look forward to summer.
love and peace,
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
It's now time to bring ukku spring haiku to a close. I will leave the site up for a few weeks yet for comments and reading, but the seasons move on and it will soon be time to think about summer.
Thanks to you all for taking part and sharing your spring moments. I think the site has been a remarkably civilised and creative experience and has required no moderation at all. Particular thanks to Alison for her contributions to weblog management.
As you may be aware, Dustin has volunteered to take on the summer project. I'll pass the decisions as to how and when this will take place over to him - I know we are in capable hands. Passing the shared seasonal haiku weblog over to someone else also offers the chance for all kinds of new directions and the involvement of new folks as well as old. And one is silver and the other gold, of course.
With best wishes to all,
my jacket on her shoulders
through the day's last light
lobster pots and sweet whitebait
the keepers of cormorants
Little Onion
packed-away winter coats
brought out again
I echo David's thanks...
this was a great project
and I just wish I'd had more
time to spare!
wind blows the blossoms
off the dogwoods
p.s. Thanks Alison, Matt & Eric for bringing us
all together into this effervescent haijin community.
Thanks, too, to everyone who submitted poems and
images and comments, to make the experience so
rich for us all. To celebrate my ukku Spring haiku
experience, I just put together a sequence that you
can get online: welcoming Spring: ukku haiku (2006).It has my complete ukku spring output (clunkers and all), and is set up to be a printable, two-sided, three-fold sequence brochure. Feel free to use it for any non-commercial purpose. [update: April 24, 2006: I have "tweaked" the sequence brochure, to fit better on the page once folded and improve the "cover page.]
an old man ponders
on a pea stick
P.S. Last day for posting - I never changed the clock from Silicon Valley time, so UK folks have got until about 8am tomorrow...
Monday, April 17, 2006
Sunday, April 16, 2006
she coughs into bubblegum -
i step off somewhere new
Bubblegum & other gummy Easter treats
Saturday, April 15, 2006

through binoculars
the gleam of sunlight
a greenfinch’s beak
jackinthegreen (cropped jpg image) of original art by Maureen Alderslade, artist with the Art House

Easter Breakfast
scrambled eggs & salmon -
the Cabot Tower's angel
gets a pigeon fly past
Alan, Resident haiku poet at Bristol's haiku café
Bristol's Cabot Tower, images & comments